Standing on the Shoulders of Giants: Bread and Butter Britain 5

objects title: On The Shoulders of Giants

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first appeared in the sequence of essays entitled: “Bread and Butter Britain”/Essay 4.

these two essays express vertiginous realities full of hyperbole and really critical thinking boundaries

you could read graham harman’s talk in LA (the Here Comes Everything Conference) or again Lehar ‘s “the Function of Conscious experience.”

We have already dispensed with Dennet (I shall describe how I did that later on)).
Meanwhile, to the vertiginous, because I can, that’s why~t! to high and low objects, vertiginousness is nothing like that. Vertiginousism is akin to the high banked curves from the pilot’s perspective when for those first few flights when the world seemed to move 90))( described so well by Lehar.)

Our spatial, volumetric apparatus for representing reality is truly extraordinary. How we aquire knowledge, and what are ideas are on the one side and inside that what is the visual, conscious representation that we are seeing telling us?

not what is realism, not what is direct or indirect, not what is R1 or A1 or R7 and A7. Not the world in our head (the world cannot be IN our head~what’s in our head is what is. The world is made of giants.

This, Newton knew.


Those giants are whatever we can un-intuit of scale and substance after it has been accepted that this world that is in our head is a representational strategy that our brain is hard wired–here’s the Darwin bit–to evolve and represent that world of Giants. We are One Giant. And each Giant has its own Perceptual Mechanism–shared across the species–evolved exactly for this representation: survival, and knowing what is really there. That and only that ought to be the basis for outlawing any kind of substance. that and only that, equally for me, ought to be the only reason to not ban anything at all (anything that deranges the currently held global psychosis point of evolution, this collective inner demon, this mistake of such marvelous proportions only now could it become possible to see such a mistake. the laws of learning suggest that the Giants are LEarning and that the mistakes are necessary. this epistemological divide, and all our words for it are summarised neatly in the concisely written 38 page “Function of Conscious Experience.” What it tells us is that we can go precisely NOWHeRE unless we accept that our Brains have a volumetric, spatial analogic mechanism for representing whatever our GIANT world looks like. That it has three dimensions, we are just about sure of (the seriousness of small t time as a dimension–whether it is a real dimension, is more not less likely to be dethroned. It is all 3d and that we are becoming increasingly sure of.

Lehar is compelling on this, and 200,000 viewers at the latest U-stream Tech-Live conference on sept12-14 2011 just shows that the function is to render it all more highly.

We’ve been evolving ever since. What we are sure of is that it is a representation, and that we do it spatially. All of the other theories about objects are inverted takes on one disagreement, attempts to make the monism. The epistemological dualism, the seat of our two eyes, which way we look at material (ideas) and what we think, naively is the real.

there might be a correspondence, but the colour is affect, qualia comes with the brain, not with the Giant’s World. More and more it looks like the Giants come from Deep space Nine, live in a black and Dark universe, full of grey shades and somewhere, feasibly white. That darkness, that space blackness of the Original, alien Being had only one imperative, Survive. Eventually, through a thousand suns coming and going (the blindman knows when the sun is shining) does iot form eyes that phot receive transduce whatever you want to call it, something. that first evolutionary leap sure gave the Originary Giant an advantage! Talk about “as luck would have it”.

of course, that Giant could have opened its New Eye and found the 21st Century, (new GIANTS are born everyday) that it might have found other similarly sighted things. objects would have appeared, and we’ve been evolving a representational strategy for some time, although it looks like it went collectively accepted and universal by at least 1789. Because by at least 1789, everywhere had been conquered touched seen. the collective insanity of believing that what is “out there” isn’t “in” our mind. That we arn’t Giants anymore. that we are not, that we have usurped from within the Giant (inside that Massive Skull~- a troop a cadre of knights, cellular, organised, displayed and intent on making damn sure its existences stay real. One Giants terror to another is to pluck out the eyes. And that’s where Bertrand Russell found the way in, because it is by accounting for why the fuck the inverted retinal image isn’t inverted that unhinges and lays a track and a clue…back to the Giant. Since 1927 the battle has been on by the evolved internal cellular volumetricly spatialising system to prevent the Giant from seeing the significance of itself. that it is indeed a Giant.

I’ve got to bet on the back of that Giant, thought Newton. that Giant being the insight, from deep within the Giant, against all the odds and forces all organically evolved, all fighting for a piece of its own fovea, to instil in the Orginary FGiant such a fear of itself, nay such a belaboured route, nay. But one so colourful as to retain the illusion intact for now and all eternity. in truth to perform an invisible and immoral act, deliberately contriving to dupe and create new, illusory substances and objects to present on the fovea so that the Giant doesn’t ever think, not even for a moment–and if it did think it, for longer than a week or a day–to crush that childlike (we have to say by now it is Childlike) for that Giant–which truly is ourself–our real Giant Self, with its representational skull AND whatever brain it really has, inside whatever grandeur of a HEAD it has, we are sure it has a head. We are sure it, I, that I will become the I, after the cognitive corpuscles have been arrayed into obedience again. But the childlike Giant, now, has only rare moments to think itself into being. the curse of indirect realism and direct realism. this naive picture that is the present day collective neurosis and mistake, this takeover by the organic, this compressed alliance between cell, fovea and all other species probably also feel it, leaving the REAL Giants falling around a real world, drinking and possibly Farting. If there is a CAUSE for global warming, it’s that. And as we can’t pluck out our eyes (indeed from the Earthly Giant’s perspective, that really would make more mess, we are therefore that homunculus as Giant, and where we roam we are in FACT creating chaos. WHY? Not why. How.

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the inner organic world of thine Earthly Giant makes symmetries and highly rendered ones of the GIANT’s lair (the bloody mess that is the GIANT’s real conditional existent drunken playground. It’s inner mechanisms continually working now to subvert the Giant by isopomorphisms and Gestalt standing waves. Until that real world appears before the Giant as an indisputable real world of symmetry, rock solid objects and a fully loaded gatling gun of naive realism layed out like the banquets of yore to sample….if you only got the food enough, the money enough, the freedom from the press enough, or the freedom from the journalists enough or whatever not enough that the collectively cohorted inner cellular has devised for its operational imperative which is, like all likes, to survive at all costs. The Scientist Giants are fooled another way. But they too have their opportunity, they too, as we shall see, also see the light–unitl they are similarly cohorted, because scientists are the worst kind of direct realists–once they have become used to the fact they just can’t see it but it’s there, they use that to create more objects, going further–remember it is only a representational strategy the Giant Brian is using to represent its actual conditions. A Real Giant can perhaps Step from Planet to Moon and by Step I mean literally Step. the brain representing to itself something like that requires a craft because the ego_I the Spatially represented BODY which sources itself in the aperspectival, amodally built extrapolation of a Giant Body in small form can’t feasibly step to the moon. Which is not to conclude that GIANTS, for sure, have legs. It may be that there are just steps to Heaven.

The Giant, and the Giant’s collective ancestry has had glimpses, terrifying glimpses of the alternatives. Has glimpsed through knowledge something about the world of its own interiority, even though that glimpse lasts only for a fraction of a second and everything about our “human sensational apparatus” is coding meanwhile to systematize that glimpse into an object. the divine flash of light protects the inner cohorts from being exposed for at least a human lifetime. Seemingly, bizzarely, apparently, the glimpse is given only so long before the highly rendered visual and volumetric surface, together with all of its volumetrically coded auditory structures all coalese, like as in a roman legion, to shut down the glimpse the Inner Giant (because the Inner Giant MUST exist) from connecting to the Outer Giant, which we are sure does exist.

From this “not Fictional At All” perspective I have followed Pirsig’s definition of Morality. A lower order object consuming a higher order one. Inorganic patterns of value (even if they have proto-consciousness–cannot be let to consume higher order ones, the social and the intellectual and then at the top of that hierarchy the Dynamic.
Why is the world simulatenously being systematized into Heads with desks, aligned in trains, shuttled in buses, strapped in in plane seats, tied up in beds, dormant, sleeping, running, getting fitter, healthier, barking orders? In defense of a realm it has called its own, what we have come to call the Real World, that world which still persists daily heaved against us with all its Reality. Punishing each of us into accepting its existence. As the Giant gently lost control of all of these inner faculties and the Giants in the Real careered around drunk, killing, shouting, a new inner evolutionary strategy was required by the inner representational, volumetric representing array of the leginoarries within. It went colour, right at the moment when our Real Giants had been so divorced from any sense whatsoever that they were Giants–leaving all control, relinquishing all control to the hyper inner control. that is what built the Victorian edifices. That was a first attempt to regularize the chaos. the second attempt, colour on a vast scale. Right at that moments, nay right in all of those moments when Philosopher, or person, or individual Giant began to show signs of waking up to the actual fucking reality, its inner organic representing module kicked in with an even more highly rendered surface. the cost of this? the cost of ANY Giant losing control over this inner world is huge. Drunken giants, rolling down mountains. Heavy giants

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requiring massive Cartons of Fuel to flop about place to place. Enourmous Earth Energies being used up as the Giant regains its compsure–when the inner organic volumetric spatially encoding computational mechanism realises that it too will die if it doesn’t release some measure of self control back to the Giant….that now childlike and disoriented Giant becomes so shocked that it sends the appearance making mechanisms, the physical body as such into a screaming terror. The Child Giant cries because it cannot process the visual stimulation absent of the symmetry making mechanism, nor can it stomach the highly rendered other option that the organic computational mechanism evolved, hypersymmetry and coincidence. Why? Because in that last instance the Giant receives a q/wick picture of the Real Giant World that it really liives in.

The Giant’s turd that scrapes and presses and stretches the smaller tubes created to represent it. The imaginary sea into whcih all the Turd’s can fit. The stretched metallic surfaces. Why else, in a pub, in a stadium is there a frenzy in the mind? the computational strategy required to represent to the Giant its actual condition of being stuffed suffocatingly in with ten thousand OTHER giants is too inauspicious and disgusting to self realise. High overload octane pumping visual creationists are then massively deployed. Or chicken and egg: if you really believe that those four Giants in the Stadium are REALLY real, their hair, their taste of clothes such that it was worth your being shuffled into a train and a plane to be there, perhaps the inner volumetric workers will have already done their job. but I don’t think so. I think, from the inner volumetric and spatially creating reprentationalist cells of the Giant feel the threat of their own extinction if that Giant continues to believe that is the real. It will surely get drunk and see that it is not one, but a thousand. that it is in itself something other than what it was when it arrived. Whether it is weed, alcohol, the music, or sheer compression, collectively we all know hinges break loose with alarming and amazing regularity. An insight comes in the wake of a set from Entwhistle. Or a glimpse of something, some real intrinsic beauty flickers across the mind. A shape of hair. Sometimes even epiphanies flood the circuitry. But sadly, even that too has to be systematized, halted. Stopped. Just enough to keep the Giant perceptually astonished so that it will remember. but not so long that it attempts the only revolution it can given the experience: to explore that world opened up by the releasing control of the inner circuits more often. Later to use that as the epistemological method.

there’s a lot of directions open to the Giant at this point, circumscribed each to each according to the various regulating mechanisms. but giants that have persisted and nailed the situation are rare, even rarer is decent linguistic expositions of such experience and what they thought (for the same reason that the inner volumetric also has an enoumous tool at its table with language, as we now know that the language ALSO creates Spatial places and volumetric appearances out there in the world.

it appears therefore that there might be intelligence. After all, we are being guided to navigate more and more of “reality” through the lens and “experience” of the computer. Anti technologists can complain. Ok that’s fine. however those complainers are often the most gullible naive realists of all and not as you might think, intelligent Giants. no, for guidance we have to go elswhere, to what the kids are doing themselves. we can see it easily, from this conscious experience, something’s perceptual and its being rendered less immediate. Immediatism can be there, but it is not a necessity all day. But the frank truth is, it’s a fact. It’s a fact that the intelligence of the inner representors may have evolved into a compromise position. For now, I don’t think so. I think a compromise position is only available to Giants as they become self aware. the idea that we human compromise is just that an idea. Giants amongst themselves can compromise. The representors have to strike a balance only regarding what leads to their preservation and what threatens it. the foveas and anri reticulums are not going to go away. But the way they represent nt themselves to us might.

Clever Giants realised that sometimes the technology can represe/net the in itself to itself. but that is really not the point. the fovea knows what it is. So too does the amodal filler in of the bigger pictures, even if it is an illusion, it is a required one from its point of view. It can’t have the Giant’s slipping back off into the Cave to do some dark Rest and Recreation! It can’t have


Himself, naturally feeling the encoding of the disintegration of a spatial whole, AND the disintegration of an old problem, felt immediately cheered. internally, physically, cheered. the sun, all of a sudden appeared brighter. the day, warmer. And, Brian noted, worth going out into>> HERE the text ends because the Giant Brian, having the benefits of re-reading had noted there is a war on. Brian noted, immediately that the lure to the great outdoors might in fact be the lure that the inner organic amodally and volumetrically creating space representor had registered that Brian was waking up. And needed to get him distracted. this posed a problem, as we have seen, because Giant with no inner referent careers about planet whether it knows it or not. Worse, that the Great Brain with Brian was waking up). this inner tension was noted by Brian in a cold and reserved manner. It posed itself as a question and then refracted on itself as an ecological object.


here the text ends.

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Giants, as we know, struggle with this continual opening and closing of the perceptive gap that knows–that it is a process absolutely unique to humans/Giants as we are now calling ourselves. It knows that gap will be closed by more highly rendered surfaces. the inner receptors cruise in to remind the Giant of all the beautiful and amazing sights that it is possible to see on a day like today. Giants in Britain are more or less tethered to that one–the great outdoors, Britain, bathed in sunshine is perhaps one of the Big accomplioshments of the inner representors. But when it rains, don’t we just as much hate it? And isn’t that hate shared by an equal measure for those at the brunt end of a hurricane the day after they had been saying, “how Nice that we have this lovely House in Georgia.” The love and the hate are one and the same, it is only the inner reprentatives Local giant’s Conditions that change the variables into giantballs.

the lure kicks in. Sounds form. Chainsaws and mowers. Epiphanies and sunshine. Reactions to the intelligence showing itself to itself. The aforementioned Giant awakened, co-opted by the rendering that calls itself away from itself (that is the purpose of the articulate reticulum) back to its constituent BEST bits. A Sunny Day. that Perfect moment. Whatever it is. It may be as large as saving the world, or as miniscule as what to pack in the bag for a day out with baby Giant on the beach. but call it does. it is the Imperative. the only Imperative the inner cellular structures have against us~to recreate AGAIN that amodal link that makes it all feel like nuance and not worth bothering with at all. The Child Giant may, in recovery, need a break from itself (a return to the highly rendered). But there isnother problem that the great Brain alluded to be the giant’s had noticed in the episode with the Cat. What if that Great Call to the Giant was not pejorative~that Experience would be the only way to find out. the Giant had to test the hypothesis and see what the amodal cellular bits were all up to.

But Giant Brain Brian was tiring, slipping away from Noumenal naming and returning toa-prior position. Experience and choosing it, the Lampost knew, had a way of creating mayhem from the internal Organicists. But the Lamp also knew, and knew now, that there was a battle on, and there would be one on for the every day of existence. the fear of interiority, of going too far inwardly raised its head. not for no reason the corpuscles were beginning to react with vengeance.

<the text ends here with a muddle of less confusion and one question. It is the ham and cat food scenario. what calls me out of the revery is the spatially, and acoustic rendering of a voice, another Giant saying Hello. I am now in no isolated scene. i was in a scene before. Now I render that scene to you to tell it for the purpose only of u seeing how the inner really needn;t be called inner. it's inner to nothing. We are Giants. Ecological Giants and we are resisting the call of the HD Realism that calls so that we might tread more carefully amongst our other Giant Flowers and Friends. Giants should stay put, Not move around too much. get groovy with what was called "internal" and groove the light fantastic tho it is it is a lot less bright than that reality each one of us has put as an out there that MUST be followed. That MUST, that highly articulated governing Beacon MUST at the very least be a MUST that comes NOT from the biologica recreation and the visual image of it and the persuance of it but MUST come from the HEAD of a GIANT. Or we are creation of the Earth HEAD-Egg mind. or that we are flightless creatures, or maybe we don't have legs or perhaps we have wings or an all of these. The most likely and all the clues point to it, we are Giants. in a 3d world, I might add. Imagine that.

because although at first it seems queasy, how could we fit, there's a problem with that…once that calms, and we accept that all of what we see is a representation, then the actual GIANT World can IN Fact Begin to be conceived. There, rather than a MESS to sort out, IN FACT we'd have–we are–living in a World where IN FACT none of this is going on. A perfect world of Giants who have, in their subcutaneous Brainy Brian way managed to set aside a place in their subconscious designed to work it all out (that would be what was called "human".) If we turn out to be but an amaingly diverse subconsciously embedded provess within a larger Giant Skull, well, that ought to calm us down a bit. But if we are not, if we are not that bit of a Giant's Cosnsciousness, but are the All of a Giant's Meaning of what it is to Be a Giant, we would have to conclude, and a moment's reflection will tell you this, that we are therefore a very strange and curious species of Giant.

and that is all that we can know. We are weird. And there's a war on. Who gets to define what reality is. Small wonder 9or maybe Big Surprise?) that we have made this low road to self realization that tricky to apprehend. but as I hope you will at least now realise, this ongoing mistake and the gradual enlivening of the highly rendered Reality we see, getting more real by the minute does suggest that the organic has overrun its host. As I, indeeed, may have overrun your attention with thellength and unruliness of this essay into Giantland, i hope that at least it may have caused a reflection inwardly and another turn to Swift's business and what he was up to, and as ever, Newton's cryptic remarks. Everything I ever learned was learned standing on the shoulders of Giants, overlooking, so to speak, their Real Activity from over the fence. Or that it may be a mountainous terrain we live in. And or that it may be true we come to that Giant's Stadium as children Giants, lifted up by either and our metaphors to the place where metaphors end. Not Giants and Not dwarfs. Just a Species with a Perception Problem: "

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Bertrand Russell's epistemological dualism and causal theory of perception should therefore have resolved the epistemological question once and for all. but curiously it did not, and the reason why it has failed to do so is almost as interesting and significant as the epistemological question itself." (Steve Lehar)

What, asks Lehar is so good about Russell's 1927 thesis?

"What finally convinced Russell was consideration of the causal chain of vision. Light from an object in the world enters the eye, where it is transduced to a neural signal in the optic nerve, from whence it is eventually transformed into a pattern of
activation in the visual cortex. There are two aspects of that perceptual activity, an electrophysiological aspect measurable by cortical electrodes, and a phenomenal or experiential aspect in the form of the
percept itself. But the two are different manifestations of the same underlying structure, and therefore if the first is located within the physical brain, then the second must also be in the brain. (Russell 1927 p.137-143) Russell observed that a potent source of confusion in this matter is a confusion of physical space with perceptual space. For although our percept of the external world appears external to our head, it is not external to our true physical head, but only to our perceptual head in perceptual space. All of ourperceptual space, including the externally perceived world, is inside our physical head in physical space.(Russell 1927) This explanation of perception finally resolved all of the epistemological problems inherent in naive realism and in idealism without resort to any supernatural gods or mystical souls. It
accounts for the fact that the perceived world appears external although we know it to be internal, by the
fact that the external world of perception is internal to our physical brain. It accounts for the realism
known to common sense, by the fact that the phenomenal world, while truly internal and shut-in within
the physical brain, nevertheless accurately reflects certain geometrical aspects of the external world,
which is thereby knowable indirectly through its perceptual replica. It accounts for the fact that different
individuals each have their own unique perspective on a commonly viewed object by the fact that each
individual percipient has his own perceptual copy of the commonly viewed object. And it does away
with the incredible proliferation of infinite sets of different perspectives for every object in the world, as well as with notions of phenomenal sense data which are experienced but which do not or may not
actually exist.
The Function of Conscious Experience (8 of 38) [3/6/2002 12:04:59 PM]

About thelampostphilosopher

I'm a writer who has come out on the side of R. Pirsig. I think that QUALITY is best left undefined but I am glad Pirsig defined it, and I think that the first division of Metaphysics is better when cleaved into DYNAMIC and STATIC, instead of subject-object metaphysics. I think he's also right about the Victorians AND the EUROPEAN-INDIAN CONFLICT OF VALUES, which involves everyone these days.
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